This program contains 4 classes:
The BankAccount class holds info for balance, deposits, withdrawals, annual
interest rate, and monthly service charges. This class also accepts arguments for the
balance, annual interest rate, deposit amount, and withdrawal amount. This class updates
the balance by calculating different charges, deposits, and withdrawals.
SavingsAccount class extends the BankAccount class, it overrides the BankAccount
monthlyProcess method in the base class. This class also calculates the monthly service
charges by adding a $1 charge for every withdrawal after 4 per month to the monthly
service charges of that savings account.
The CheckingAccount class extends the
BankAccount class and calculates the fees for every check written based on the amount
the check is written for, as well as any additional charges if the account balance falls
below $400 before any check fees are applied.
The AccountTest class supplies the information needed for testing.